
Nothing going on

So it’s day three

Still no inspiration

I kind of just want to read harry potter or lord of the rings

Work sleep

Work sleep

Day in day out

Just been watching TV


Writing and trying to figure out

What I want to do with life

Ugh! No inspiration.

Like I’m stuck in a rut

A deep, deep rut with no way out

But hey, at least I’m writing, it’s a start


Black and white

Hello world!

I am back

Back in the game

Back in the shame!

Back in the…. Other words that rhyme with game!

Fame, lame, came, none of those work

Anyway, I’m going to start writing again, who knows about what!

It’s all going to be pretty simple, black and white

Nothing to fancy

I don’t even have alot to say right now.



Newest one

God, I have nothing

I do not know what I’m doing

This isn’t even a poem, I’m just writing stuff

What is the point of this?

Maybe if I just keep writing something will come up.

Not yet

Not yet

Not yet

I feel like this is it

Alright, here it is. This is it

Thanks for reading
